Daraz Profit Calculator

Item Amount (Rs)
Cost Price
Selling Price
Payment Handling Fee (%)
Daraz Category Commission (%)
Delivery Cost (paid by customer)
Additional Cost (e.g., Packaging)
VAT (%)

Profit Calculator Tool for Daraz Sellers

Welcome to the Daraz Profit Calculator! If you’re a seller on Daraz, it’s important to understand all the costs involved in selling a product so you can accurately calculate your profit. This tool helps you quickly estimate your profit margin by factoring in key costs like payment handling fees, Daraz commission, VAT, and additional expenses such as packaging. Let’s break down how it works and why it’s useful for your business.

How to Use the Daraz Profit Calculator

  1. Cost Price: Enter the price at which you purchased the product (in Rs).
  2. Selling Price: Input the price at which you’re selling the product on Daraz (in Rs).
  3. Payment Handling Fee: This is typically the percentage charged by payment gateways (usually around 2%). Enter this value as a percentage.
  4. Daraz Category Commission: Daraz charges a commission based on the category of your product. Enter the percentage value you incur based on the category of your product.
  5. Delivery Cost: This is the delivery charge paid by your customer. It affects the final calculation due to VAT and other factors.
  6. Additional Costs: Add any extra costs like packaging, labeling, or handling (in Rs).
  7. VAT: Enter the current VAT rate (by default, it’s set to 16% in Pakistan).

Why Use This Calculator?

Running an online store involves numerous hidden costs beyond the simple difference between your cost price and selling price. By using this tool, you can get a clearer picture of your real profit margin and make informed decisions on pricing strategies. This will help you maximize your profit, ensuring you’re not caught off guard by fees and expenses.

Profit Breakdown:

Once you’ve entered all the necessary details, click the “Calculate Profit” button, and you’ll receive a detailed breakdown of the following:

  • Cost Price: The original cost of the product.
  • Selling Price: The amount at which you’re selling the product.
  • Payment Handling Fee: A fee charged by the payment platform for handling the transaction.
  • Daraz Category Commission: The percentage that Daraz charges based on your product category.
  • VAT: The VAT amount calculated on various fees and services.
  • Additional Costs: Any extra costs, such as packaging or handling.
  • Total Expenses: The sum of all the costs involved in selling the product.
  • Estimated Profit: The difference between the selling price and the total expenses.
  • Profit Percentage: The profit percentage relative to the cost price.

This will help you determine whether your product pricing strategy is optimal or if adjustments are needed to improve profitability.


Imagine you’re selling a product with the following details:

  • Cost Price: Rs 1000
  • Selling Price: Rs 1500
  • Payment Handling Fee: 2%
  • Daraz Category Commission: 8%
  • Delivery Cost: Rs 100
  • Additional Costs: Rs 50
  • VAT: 16%

By entering these numbers into the calculator, you can easily assess whether this pricing structure leads to a satisfactory profit margin.

Use this tool regularly to optimize your pricing strategy, stay ahead of costs, and ensure your business remains profitable while selling on Daraz.

Start using the Profit Calculator now and make informed decisions for your Daraz store!